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Saturday, August 2, 2008


I came across these questions a while ago. They were interesting so I stopped to answer them.

1. Do you have any fixed time to write your stories?

Nope. Though I like writing in the morning and working throughout the day as opposed to starting at night. However, that can't really be helped with school work and stuff like that.

2. Do you need any special stationery or type of paper for writing purposes?(maybe ink, stone, wood, cloth etc... to each one's own devices...) OR, do you use the laptop/ desktop, instead?

Hardly. I write on anything and everything. My writing is scribbled all over the place and it's hard to find them afterwards. I love using the laptop, but i type faster than the speed my ideas come to me. That's a problem because half the time I'm just sitting there and thinking. And when I'm just sitting there, I get easily distracted. So oftentimes, I write on paper and then transfer it onto the computer.

3. Do you any beverages/food to accompany you during these times?

A can of sprite is awesome.

4. Do you use music? or Is music your main influence?

No, I find it's distracting sometimes. I like the quiet, so I can focus on what's happening in the story as opposed to what the lyrics are. I have tried it many times... I find that my work quality decreases in those cases.

5. Do you need to write everything down in one sitting or more?

Never. Unless whatever it is happens to be due the next morning, I don't usually do everything in one sitting. I usually do a rough, look over it and leave it for a while. I'll come back to it with a fresh mind for the good copy.

6. Do you have your own muse?

He/she (transvestite, I suppose) lives in my head. Heshe doesn't come out often, but if there's some food and a sprite nearby, Heshe takes over and pours out ideas on every writable surface. No.

7. Do you keep a notebook/diary for listing any sudden inspiration?

Most of the time no. However, if I do happen to come across something amazingly interesting, I will find paper and pencils to record it down. I don't walk around with a pad of paper in my hand (though I bet I'd be more productive if I did).

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