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Quote of the Week:
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
- Put your guesses in the shout box!

Last Week's Quote:
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
- Oscar Wilde


The List: My fav. mangas
Jil4J: The Secret Behind the Name

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm Still Alive

I haven't updated in a couple of days... thought I'd drop by and say hi again.

There have been a couple of things I've been doing with my life: clubs, school work, reading.

I'm pretty involved in school, so it's the second week of school and I feel as if I'm going to get a brain hemorrhage already. I've had one test with two more planned for this week. What does this mean? Three tests in the second week of school. I went to a Supercouncil meeting yesterday and got home at 9:30pm (without dinner). Then I had to make budget forms for all the clubs and blah blah blah....

But no, I just couldn't go to sleep without my daily dose of good fiction - so I stayed up until 1:30am to finish Solangel's book - Conversations Between Us. Even though I felt emotionally impaired and unable to do anything without thinking about the story, I woke up at 5:30am this morning so that I could be at school by 7:00 to help with a teacher breakfast.

I am completely booked this whole week, this month and this year. According to my agenda, the next stress-free period I will have will sometime in February. Wait - I already have a project due that month so scratch that, maybe next summer.

So you get my schedule. I guess it partly justifies my inability to tend to this site as often as I'd like. Of course I will make time for it, but it won't be everyday like in August.

I wanted to post a short story I wrote on here, but every time I tried to copy and paste something from word, my window shut down. This is the third time I'm writing this post. I am annoyed beyond words.

I shall post my story tomorrow then, if I'm up to it.

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