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"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
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"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
- Oscar Wilde


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Jil4J: The Secret Behind the Name

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Manga Review: Do You Want to Try?

Shoujo: Do You Want to Try?
Author: Cha Kyung Hee
Genres: Romance, Drama, YA
Rating: 6/10

I started reading Do You Want to Try? today, and I have to say that I don't mind the style. In fact, after the first chapter, I really started getting into the plotline and the characters. I like the main character, who is assertive and even agressive when the situation calls for it. The main male character is also quite attractive, and as an added bonus, his personality reminds me of Jaewon from Conversations Between Us.

As for the artwork, I'm not going to sing praises about it. I don't like it as much I should (I try to appreciate everything I see in its own style), but let's just say it's similar to (but still a notch below) Hwang Mi Ri's. One of these days, I really wish I would be able to encounter stuff like The Bride of the Watergod or Red River, because even if the plots were horrible (they are not), I'd read them to enjoy the artwork.

Overall, the tone is optimistic, so I'm not really expecting a sad ending. However, it deals with tough school leaderships (which remind me of gangs), and in that way, who knows what can happen? In regards to the story, I think what started off as cliched is no longer as predictable. The interesting parts always stem from originality, and I see the potential for new development. I haven't been able to get my hands on more than perhaps 2 volumes, so I can't say that much more. Check it out when you have the time, but don't expect too much.

The Internet Summary:

When the hot-tempered Han Hye Won accidently insults the handsome jjang of Han Hwa Go, Sun Woo Bin decides to pay her a visit... with his entire motorcycle gang, ready to see some blood. So how does that lead up to a kiss and the infamous captain begging for a date? Do you want to try?

- Annie

1 comment:

  1. I was reading this few months ago, I quite like it, but I guess because of the art I didnt like it too much(probably because I was reading the last Vampire Knight a minutes ago before reading it LOL).
    and i was thinking the same when I read Conversations Between Us (more similarities are coming! I wont spoil XD ){which reminded me to leave a comment about it, I finished it ^^}
    And now I just understood the title! I was confused about what it meant ROFL
